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Insurance Warehouses of America

6200 Metrowest Boulevard , Suite 204
Orlando, FL 32835

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What Happens If Someone Crashes Into Your Car While It’s Parked?

Imagine heading outside, ready to start your day, only to find your parked car dented, scratched, or worse—completely undrivable. It’s frustrating, especially if the person responsible didn’t leave a note. So, what happens next? At Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL, we help drivers understand how their auto insurance can step in when the unexpected happens.

Who Covers the Damage?

If the driver who hit your car is still around or left their contact information, their auto insurance should cover the damage under their liability coverage. In this case, you’d file a claim with their insurer, and they’d be responsible for repairs.

But what if they drove off without taking responsibility? If you have uninsured motorist property damage (UMPD) coverage, it may help cover the costs. If not, your collision coverage can step in, though you may have to pay your deductible. You might be left paying out of pocket without either of these coverages.

Steps to Take After Discovering the Damage

If your car is hit while parked, document everything. Take photos of the damage, the surrounding area, and any possible security cameras nearby. If the accident happened in a public place, see if a witness saw anything. Always report the incident to the police, as a report can help with insurance claims.

Ensure Your Car Has the Right Coverage

Accidents can happen anytime, even when you’re not behind the wheel. Make sure you’re covered with the right auto insurance. Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL, can help you find a policy that protects you from hit-and-run drivers and unexpected damages. Contact us today to explore your options!

Which Family Members Most Need Life Insurance?

The conversation about which family members need life insurance coverage can be emotionally charged and difficult. However, since the primary purpose of life insurance is to protect the family’s financial well-being in case of a loss, it’s best to focus on the financial aspects of the topic. If you’re interested in life insurance and live in the Orlando, FL area, contact Insurance Warehouses of America for assistance.

Determining Which Family Members Need Insurance

The need for life insurance among family members largely depends on their role in the family, particularly the income and care they provide. Income earners and those who provide care that would be costly to replace are prime candidates for life insurance.

You can assess the importance of life insurance for each household member by considering the following factors:

Income Contributors

Consider the amount of income each person contributes to the family and the financial impact their loss would have.


Do certain family members provide unpaid care for children or adults? What would it cost the family to hire someone else to provide similar care?


Does the family have hereditary health issues that may affect a child’s ability to qualify for life insurance as an adult?

Final Expenses

Does the family have the resources to cover a family member’s final expenses?

Family Business or Debt

Do certain family members co-own a business, share a mortgage, or owe each other money?

Partnering with Insurance Warehouses of America

Insurance Warehouses of America, serving the Orlando, FL area, can help structure your family’s life insurance plan. Call (407) 982-3266 to schedule an appointment.

Will My Home Insurance Cover My College Student’s Belongings?

Most college students bring valuable assets with them when living at school, such as computers, other electronics, furniture, and jewelry. They need insurance that protects these assets while they are at school. Your home insurance policy often covers the assets of children 26 or younger, assuming you claim them as dependents. However, several common limitations affect college students, so it’s best to confirm their status with your agent. If you live in or near Orlando, FL, contact our Insurance Warehouses of America team for answers about your home or other insurance coverage.

Home Insurance Coverage Limits for College Students

Your home insurance covers the personal belongings of dependent children against covered perils such as theft or fire and their liability if they injure someone or damage someone else’s property.

An important limitation for college students is that insurers often cover them only while living in university-controlled housing. Students who live in fraternity, sorority, or off-campus housing are generally not covered.

In addition to the university housing issue:

  • Children often must be full-time students to be covered
  • Some policies stop coverage of children at 24 or 25 years old
  • Low claim limits are standard for jewelry and electronics
  • Losses that occur "off-premises" or away from your home are often limited to 10% of your personal property limit
  • Your standard deductibles apply to claims related to your children

These limitations can significantly affect your college student’s coverage, so confirm the details with your agent. Consider buying renters’ insurance to cover your student’s belongings if necessary.

Insuring with Insurance Warehouses of America

Insurance Warehouses of America, serving Orlando, FL, will help develop an insurance plan that protects your family and its assets. Visit our office or call us at (407) 982-3266 to start the review process today.

Can Auto Insurance Go Fully Digital? A Paperless Future

Modern technology is already transforming how consumers interact with auto insurers in Orlando, FL, and other locations. Mobile apps and online platforms allow policyholders to manage their coverage, make payments, and file claims with just a few taps. Insurers are also utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to automate claims assessments, speeding up the process and reducing human error. Digital communication has become the norm, with emails and text messages replacing paper notifications and updates.

Moreover, digital ID cards and electronic proof of insurance are gaining acceptance, eliminating the need for physical documents altogether. Many states now accept digital proof for legal compliance during traffic stops, further solidifying the shift toward paperless auto insurance.

The Benefits of a Paperless Auto Insurance Future

Moving toward a fully digital auto insurance system offers several benefits for insurers and consumers. For insurers, reducing paperwork lowers operational costs, increases efficiency, and accelerates claims processing. Managing policies digitally offers consumers greater convenience and faster access to important information. It also minimizes the environmental impact of producing and disposing of paper documents.

Overcoming the Challenges of a Paperless Future

While the transition to a paperless auto insurance system holds promise, there are still challenges. Some customers, particularly older adults, may prefer traditional methods and need support to navigate digital platforms. Furthermore, cybersecurity and data privacy concerns must be addressed to ensure that sensitive information remains protected. Despite these hurdles, the future of auto insurance is undoubtedly digital, with more efficient, convenient, and sustainable solutions on the horizon.

Contact Insurance Warehouses of America for Your Insurance Needs

Insurance Warehouses of America underwrites policies to meet customers’ needs. We serve Orlando, FL, and the surrounding cities. Contact us today.

How Does Divorce Affect Life Insurance?

Life insurance may not be at the forefront of your thoughts during a divorce. However, a divorce can significantly impact your life insurance in several ways. Decisions about policy ownership, premium payment responsibilities, and the policy’s influence on other matters like child support can be as crucial as deciding who gets the house or how to split bank accounts.

Life Insurance and Support Obligations After Divorce

Some divorce agreements may require one or both spouses to maintain life insurance for the children’s benefit. This is especially true if one parent depends on the other for financial support for the children. Life insurance policies covering child support until all children reach 18 may be necessary. Your divorce settlement will dictate how your life insurance policy is divided.

Life Insurance and Beneficiaries After Divorce

In Florida, the Automatic Revocation Statute automatically removes an ex-spouse from a life insurance policy upon divorce. However, this revocation does not apply to every policy. You need to consider whether you should change the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. If the court does not mandate you to name your spouse as a beneficiary, you might choose to name a minor child as the beneficiary.

Partner With Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL

Since 1999, we have been assisting individuals and families with their insurance needs. Navigating life insurance issues during a divorce can be challenging. At Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL, we can provide you with suitable insurance that meets your needs and inform you about how a divorce may affect your policy. Contact us today for more information.

Common exclusions on a standard homeowner insurance policy.

One of the biggest misconceptions about homeowner insurance is that a standard policy covers every possible scenario of perils that a homeowner may face. At Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL, we aim to clarify this misconception.

What is included in a standard policy?

A standard home insurance policy typically includes the following coverages:

  • The primary residence: The home you live in.
  • Other structures: Sheds, walls, outdoor grills, fences, and outdoor fireplaces.
  • Your belongings: This includes personal property such as clothing, appliances, furniture, and other items inside the home.
  • Liability and medical payments: Damages for someone injured on your property by accident or when something on your property, such as a fire, damages the property of another.
  • Additional living expense: The extra cost of living in another location while your home is rebuilt or renovated after a covered peril.

A standard homeowner policy usually covers fire, windstorms, hail damage, and lightning.

Common Exclusions to a standard home insurance policy.

Unfortunately, a standard homeowner insurance policy does not cover incidents like floods or earthquakes. However, you can purchase additional insurance coverage to cover these perils that put your home at risk.

Other common exclusions to a standard home insurance policy include the following:

Neglect: Damages caused by a property that has not been maintained

Mold: When humidity and moisture have set in and caused mold throughout your home, it is when it was avoidable or could have been prevented.

Wear and Tear: Normal damage that happens to your home over time.

Loss caused on purpose: Intentional losses are not covered by your home insurance policy. You cannot damage your own property and be compensated.

Contact Your Local Orlando Insurance Agent Today!

At Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL, we understand that insurance terms and conditions can be tricky. Therefore, we have licensed agents available to answer any questions you may have concerning your home insurance policy. Give us a call today at (407) 982-3266.

On the Road or In Your Driveway Auto Insurance has You Covered

Screeching tires and the unmistakable crash of a collision are horrific sounds that often come to mind when we consider the need for auto insurance. That’s why drivers around the Orlando, FL, region rely on the professional, friendly, and experienced team at Insurance Warehouses of America to address all their auto insurance needs, both on and off the road.

Auto Protection On and Off the Road

The expenses, hassles, and potential medical complications resulting from an auto accident can be overwhelming. But what if an "accident" occurs within your own driveway, such as misjudging the width of your garage door while backing out or having a tree branch unfortunately fall on your parked car?

The good news is that you won’t have to worry about the right coverage and auto insurance protection. Working with an experienced insurance agent ensures you get the coverage and protection you need for your vehicle.

Auto Insurance Solutions for Orlando, FL, Drivers

If you reside in the greater Orlando, FL, area and want to learn more about auto insurance and your coverage options, we can help. On the road or in your driveway, auto insurance can safeguard your vehicle from damage resulting from accidents, fires, flooding, vandalism, and more. Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment for the auto insurance solutions you need and deserve at Insurance Warehouses of America today.

Life changes that affect your life insurance needs

Life is good in Orlando, FL. Plenty of sunshine and opportunities make it a great place to live. Nobody wants to think about their life insurance, but you and your family need to take the changes in your life into account regarding how much life insurance you have. At Insurance Warehouses of America, we are an independent insurance agency with the expertise and knowledge to help you make sure you have all the life insurance you need. 

Buying a house

If you’re like most people, you take on a mortgage once you purchase a home. If you share your home with a partner, you must ensure they are not stuck with your mortgage. You don’t want your family to have to resort to trying to pay your mortgage if you are not there to provide your income. 

Changing jobs

You may be one of the people who get life insurance as a benefit of their job. If you change jobs, that will change your coverage, and you must think about that when considering what you need to buy on your own. 

Getting married

When you and your spouse get married, you should discuss life insurance. You may need to change the beneficiary on your policies, and you should also discuss your current needs. 

Having children

Protecting your children if you are not there is one of the most important things you can do for them. Ensuring they are financially cared for and can stay home is important. Making sure they are provided for is what parents do.

Contact our Insurance Warehouses of America office in Orlando, FL to get the insurance information and products you need to protect. 

How to Make a Home Inventory for Your Home Insurance

Understanding the Importance of Home Inventory

Can you list everything you own? Suppose a devastating event leads to the total loss of your house. Can you provide a detailed account of your property’s contents? A home inventory can be instrumental in such a situation. While some home insurance providers necessitate a home inventory, others do not.

Regardless, maintaining an updated tally can simplify the process of filing a home insurance claim. Numerous methods exist to create a home inventory, and our Insurance Warehouses of America team servicing Orlando, FL, can provide guidance and recommendations.

Defining a Home Inventory

A home inventory is a comprehensive record of all your possessions. Its format can vary widely—spreadsheets, video recordings, and more. An expansive home inventory typically includes details like model numbers and purchase dates for more valuable items, but a basic list can be equally effective.

Is a Home Inventory a Necessity?

Certain insurance policies may require a home inventory. Your insurance agent will inform you of this requirement.

Even if your insurer doesn’t require a comprehensive record, many homeowners find keeping a list of their possessions beneficial. Should a covered incident occur, this list can be invaluable.

Creating a Home Inventory

Various tools can be used to create a home inventory. Consider utilizing an app designed for this purpose or simply using your phone to film an overview of your possessions. If you’re fond of spreadsheets, you can use the software to catalog your items. A room-by-room approach can make the task manageable.

At Insurance Warehouses of America, servicing Orlando, FL, we’re committed to helping homeowners find the right insurance coverage to meet their needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us today for more information.

Surprising Things Your Auto Insurance Does Not Cover

Chances are that you have a good idea of what your auto insurance covers. However, understanding what your auto insurance doesn’t cover can be just as important.

Insurance Warehouses of America, operating from Orlando, FL, and serving the entire state, can arrange coverage for these common omissions from standard auto insurance policies.

Personal Property Left in Your Car

If your car is stolen or destroyed, comprehensive coverage will pay to replace it. Nevertheless, auto insurance will not replace the personal possessions inside your car that may have been lost along with it. Your personal property is covered by your homeowner’s or renter’s policy instead.

Upgrades, Modifications, and Custom Parts

Most auto policies cover custom parts and modifications up to a $1000 limit. This may be insufficient to replace your rims, lift kit, spoilers, or audio system. We assist customers in finding higher limits for their custom parts’ replacement values.

Unlisted Drivers

People whom you give permission to drive your car may be covered by your insurance. However, this isn’t the case with every policy. Some companies require you to list the individuals you will permit to operate your car when you procure your coverage. Otherwise, any accidents or damages they cause while operating your car will not be covered.

Commercial Use

Are you using your car for deliveries or picking up passengers for Lyft or Uber? Your personal auto insurance does not cover the business use of your car. You’ll need a separate commercial insurance policy if you’re using your vehicle for ridesharing, deliveries, or even running errands for work.

Insurance Warehouses of America serves drivers in Orlando, FL, and throughout the state. Call us today to review your policy and ensure you have all the coverage you need!

Pet Injuries

It isn’t just humans who can be injured in auto accidents—pets can be injured as well. Insurance Warehouses of America can assist you in finding suitable pet insurance.

Partner Carriers

  • Bristol West
  • Foremost
  • Infinity
  • Kemper
  • Progressive
  • American Traditions
  • Bankers
  • Capitol Preferred
  • Federated National
  • Florida Family
  • Florida Peninsula
  • Heritage
  • Security First
  • Southern Fidelity
  • Southern Oak
  • St Johns
  • St. James
  • Universal Property & Casualty