If you just moved to Florida, you discovered how differently it handles its auto insurance requirements from other states. Living in Orlando, FL has its joys and its quirks, and insuring your auto definitely falls under the quirky. Insurance Warehouses of America is here to provide you with expert advice.
Other states in the US require drivers to carry liability insurance covering bodily injury or death and property damage. Some also require personal injury protection (PIP).
Florida Minimum Auto Insurance
In Florida, you’ll need to carry a policy that provides at least $10,000 in PIP and $10,000 in property damage liability (PDL). The difference stems from Florida’s designation as a no-fault state. That means that whether you caused the accident, or the other driver did, you will each pay your own medical costs.
Your PIP coverage does this. It will also cover the passengers you have with you in the vehicle when you incur an accident. Any damage to your vehicle, PDL covers.
It’s Different if You Drive a Taxi
In Florida, the driver of a taxi must carry different insurance than an individual driver with a non-commercial license. To insure their taxi, a taxi driver must carry PDL coverage of at least $50,000 and at least $125,000 per person in bodily injury liability (BIL) coverage, but twice that amount – $250,000 per accident.
Contact Insurance Warehouses of America
Don’t drive the roads of Orlando, FL without auto insurance. Contact us to obtain the auto insurance you need to protect yourself financially and comply with Florida state law. We can help you customize your insurance to also include comprehensive, collision, roadside assistance, and to add to your BIL or PIP coverage. Call us today.