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Which Family Members Most Need Life Insurance?

The conversation about which family members need life insurance coverage can be emotionally charged and difficult. However, since the primary purpose of life insurance is to protect the family’s financial well-being in case of a loss, it’s best to focus on the financial aspects of the topic. If you’re interested in life insurance and live in the Orlando, FL area, contact Insurance Warehouses of America for assistance.

Determining Which Family Members Need Insurance

The need for life insurance among family members largely depends on their role in the family, particularly the income and care they provide. Income earners and those who provide care that would be costly to replace are prime candidates for life insurance.

You can assess the importance of life insurance for each household member by considering the following factors:

Income Contributors

Consider the amount of income each person contributes to the family and the financial impact their loss would have.


Do certain family members provide unpaid care for children or adults? What would it cost the family to hire someone else to provide similar care?


Does the family have hereditary health issues that may affect a child’s ability to qualify for life insurance as an adult?

Final Expenses

Does the family have the resources to cover a family member’s final expenses?

Family Business or Debt

Do certain family members co-own a business, share a mortgage, or owe each other money?

Partnering with Insurance Warehouses of America

Insurance Warehouses of America, serving the Orlando, FL area, can help structure your family’s life insurance plan. Call (407) 982-3266 to schedule an appointment.

How Does Divorce Affect Life Insurance?

Life insurance may not be at the forefront of your thoughts during a divorce. However, a divorce can significantly impact your life insurance in several ways. Decisions about policy ownership, premium payment responsibilities, and the policy’s influence on other matters like child support can be as crucial as deciding who gets the house or how to split bank accounts.

Life Insurance and Support Obligations After Divorce

Some divorce agreements may require one or both spouses to maintain life insurance for the children’s benefit. This is especially true if one parent depends on the other for financial support for the children. Life insurance policies covering child support until all children reach 18 may be necessary. Your divorce settlement will dictate how your life insurance policy is divided.

Life Insurance and Beneficiaries After Divorce

In Florida, the Automatic Revocation Statute automatically removes an ex-spouse from a life insurance policy upon divorce. However, this revocation does not apply to every policy. You need to consider whether you should change the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. If the court does not mandate you to name your spouse as a beneficiary, you might choose to name a minor child as the beneficiary.

Partner With Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL

Since 1999, we have been assisting individuals and families with their insurance needs. Navigating life insurance issues during a divorce can be challenging. At Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL, we can provide you with suitable insurance that meets your needs and inform you about how a divorce may affect your policy. Contact us today for more information.

Partner Carriers

  • Bristol West
  • Foremost
  • Infinity
  • Kemper
  • Progressive
  • American Traditions
  • Bankers
  • Capitol Preferred
  • Federated National
  • Florida Family
  • Florida Peninsula
  • Heritage
  • Security First
  • Southern Fidelity
  • Southern Oak
  • St Johns
  • St. James
  • Universal Property & Casualty